
country name:
Kingdom of Thailand
Area: 517,000sq km
Population: 62 million
Capital city: Bangkok (pop 6 million)
People: 75% Thai, 11% Chinese, 3.5% Malay, also Mon,
Khmer, Phuan and Karen minorities
Language: Thai
Religion: 95% Buddhism, 4% Muslim
Government: Democratic constitutional monarchy
Time Zone:
+7 ()
Country Dialing Code: 66
Currency: Baht (Bht)
Electricity: 220V 50HzHz
Climate: tropical; rainy, warm, cloudy southwest
monsoon (mid-May to September); dry, cool northeast monsoon
(November to mid-March); southern isthmus always hot and humid
COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: The Kingdom of Thailand draws more
visitors than any other country in southeast Asia with its irresistible
combination of breathtaking natural beauty, inspiring temples, renowned
hospitality, robust cuisine and ruins of fabulous ancient kingdoms. Few
countries are so well endowed. From the stupa-studded mountains of Mae
Hong Son and the verdant limestone islands of the Andaman Sea, to the
pulse-pounding dance clubs of Bangkok and the tranquil villages moored
along the Mekong River, Thailand offers something for every type of
ENTRY/EXIT REQUIREMENTS: U.S. citizen tourists staying
for less than 30 days do not require a visa, but must possess a passport
and onward/return ticket. A Passenger Service Charge, currently 500 baht (USD
equivalent as of September 2002: $11.69), must be paid in Thai baht when
departing the country from any of Thailand’s international airports.
Thailand’s Entry/Exit information is subject to change without notice.
For further information on Thailand’s entry/exit requirements, contact
the Royal Thai Embassy, 1024 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.,
20007, telephone (202) 944-3600, or http://www.thaiembdc.org |
country, U.S. citizens may encounter road conditions that differ
significantly from those in the United States. The information below
concerning Thailand is provided for general reference only, and may not be
totally accurate in a particular location or circumstance:
Safety of Public Transportation: Good
Urban Road Conditions/Maintenance: Good
Rural Road Conditions/Maintenance: Good
Availability of Roadside Assistance: Poor
Travelers may wish to use Bangkok’s elevated “Skytrain” mass transit
system or Subway to travel about the city. The system operates everyday from 6 a.m.
to midnight.
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